クララマ – クララ・マチーセン
フォトアーティスト 27歳
デンマーク コペンハーゲン出身。東京を拠点に活動中。かつて、競泳選手として活躍。現在は写真の海で泳いでいます。
Instagram : clarama
Portfolio : clarama.dk
Water is the Element of Life – water is everywhere and needed every day. Most cultures have a concept of elements or 五行 (gogyo), sometimes 4, sometimes 5, or even more. Water is nearly always one of the elements and out of all the elements, I relate mostly to water.
Water is a feeling, water is sounds. Rain and waves are relaxing. Follow rivers and explore lakes. Pictures are not silent – you can hear the them talk. The human body is mostly made of water. The human mind is like water, it flows everywhere and fills out voids.
<Artist profile>
ClaraMa – Clara Mathiesen
Photo Artist. 27 years old.
Born and raised in Copenhagen, Denmark. Now living and working in Koenji, Japan. Used to be an elite swimmer. Now, she swims in an ocean of colours in photography.
For this exhibition, I have selected some recent analogue photography double exposures. This is a specialty of mine and a very challenging way of creating photographic art. Physically roll back the exposed negative film and make another exposure on top of the original one. Once the film is developed there is no separating the two photos, they stick together forever. I think about the past while combining the future in the current moment.
Instagram : clarama
Portfolio : clarama.dk